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A Key Partner in the Development of Standards

By Victoria Norman,

Third-party certification standards documenting progress toward important social and environmental goals have become a fact of life in industry sectors across the economy.  Standards range from comprehensive multi-attribute, multi-stakeholder initiatives involving globally recognized industry leaders, NGOs, academics and other experts, to private-sector standards seeking to raise performance within an industry group in one or more areas of performance, to specification standards developed by individual companies for their supply chains.

Regardless of the scope of the standard under development, it is important to ensure that the standard development process is well informed by current best practices, that the standard generated addresses the important issues for that industry sector, and that the standard can be practically implemented. This is where the expertise of a third-party standards development facilitator can really pay off.

SCS Standards is the non-profit standard development arm of Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), a pioneer and leader in sustainability and quality standards development and certification for nearly four decades. SCS Standards leverages its expertise in private, industry, national and international standard development to support the efforts of key stakeholders in developing and launching standards that clearly demonstrate commitment to better environmental, social and governance practices. The non-profit is also an ANSI accredited standards development body, signifying its firm commitment to openness, balance, and consensus, as well as providing a path to facilitate the development of recognized American National Standards.

“We’re engaged in standards management and standard development activities on behalf of initiatives across the economy, from natural resources extraction to food and agriculture, to green building products, supply chains, consumer products and more,” said Victoria Norman, Interim Executive Director.

Find out how SCS Standards is supporting the needs of corporations, industry associations, NGOs, and social and environmental stakeholder groups to facilitate and develop proprietary voluntary sustainability standards that break new ground in environmental and social responsibility and provide a platform to recognize leadership efforts in multiple industries. Contact [email protected].

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Victoria Norman 
Executive Director
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